On the final day of Slamdance 2015, the festival presented a Special Screening of Yosemite. The film was produced by James Franco, who also acts in a supporting role because he literally can not stop arting all over the place. Franco’s prolific artistic output was the primary topic of discussion when Franco sat down with Variety’s Scott Foundas prior the screening as part of Slamdance’s “Coffee with…” series. Franco spoke eloquently for almost 40 minutes with only a few questions posed by Foundas. It’s easy to imagine him as one of those longwinded professors who never finishes his lectures in time for the bell. We were fortunate enough to get a great vantage point and capture the entire talk.
After listing off some impressive numbers pulled from Franco’s imdb page, Foundas asked Franco to describe his journey from actor to content creator. Franco starts by saying that it’s long answer that he will give as “fast as possible”, which for him meant just under twelve informative yet entertaining minutes.
February 02, 2015
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