He may not know the Torah, but James Franco is getting a bar mitzvah, courtesy of Seth Rogen and wife Lauren Miller Rogen at Hilarity for Charity’s Variety show Oct. 17 at the Hollywood Palladium.
Seth Rogen and his wife, Lauren Miller Rogen, set up Hilarity for Charity to promote awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and inspire change among the millennial generation after her mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at age 55. Tickets go on sale for the fourth annual show Aug. 11.
“Ever since I’ve known James, he’s been talking about wanting a bar mitzvah,” Seth Rogen said in a statement. “We’re excited to see him finally become a man while also helping us raise awareness and funds for people living with Alzheimer’s and towards research that will lead to a cure. And in celebration we’ll also have a mohel and a live bris for James at the event.”
While the lineup for the 2015 edition has not yet been announced, past shows have featured Paul Rudd, Kevin Hart, Aziz Ansari, Sarah Silverman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruno Mars, Jack Black, Samuel L. Jackson and Nick Kroll. Last year’s prom night-themed show raised $1 million for the cause.
Miller Rogen said, “5 million Americans are currently living with the disease and it is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., yet it is the least funded and the only one with no treatment whatsoever. I hope we’re able to capture the attention of more young people, and get the disease the type of funding it deserves.”
July 22, 2015
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