Me in drag is not funny,” James Franco said after his famously controversial stint hosting the Oscars. Yet here he is again in a blonde wig and long pink dress. But at this point in the eccentric Francossance, it’s hard to be surprised by anything. In a preview for Season 2 of Franco’s online series, Making a Scene, the actor and his merry band of writers and performers mash up Sex and the City and Breaking Bad with Franco playing both Carrie Bradshaw and Walter White. The scenes with Carrie and her girls land much better than the Walter White bits. Who knew Alicia Silverstone was the parody Charlotte we deserved? But maybe someone should have taught Franco and his writers a few more of Bryan Cranston’s signature catchphrases. There’s only so much mileage you can get out of repeating “I am the one who knocks.” Come for the cosmos and sex jokes, stay for Samantha knocking boots with Pinkman. If the meth trailer is a-rocking . . .
You can see more of Franco’s TV mash-ups—including his bug-eyed Jon Snow—over on
September 09, 2015
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